Sunday, February 24, 2008

Figgerin It Out

Well, here it is, day 2 of my new blog. I have been reading and researching about blogging professionally and it has been an interesting study. Time will tell where all of this takes me. For now, I just want to enjoy the learning process.

Tomorrow I may have some new and interesting things to talk about. One of my cousins and I are going to go meet with someone we have never met before to talk about our mutual ancestors. Genealogy has been a cool hobby over the years, but when you have a big brick wall to bust down and suddenly there is this woman out there, living not too far from you, and you find out you are distant cousins, the hobby becomes so much more fascinating. I cannot wait to compare notes tomorrow, share old photos, and take some new photos. Will there be a family resemblance? Will we all get along? Will a new family relationship begin to grow and flourish from this meeting? Stay tuned and read the update.

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