Thursday, March 13, 2008

Brief Update--Did I Say Brief???

Out of rhythm today. It was later than usual, but maybe because I am not in so much knee pain this week, it was delayed. Well, anyway, the heart monitor is getting it's information today. It is hard to breathe when I am doing anything and out of rhythm, but I still have been up and out of the house today to an appointment. It is a beautiful sunny day out today with mild temperatures in the mid 50's. It is great! I had to get gas for the van today. Yikes! It was a bit lower than it was Tuesday when it had jumped to $3.45. Today it was only a mere $3.39. Quite a jump from the previous $3.18. $40 got me just under 3/4 of a full tank. I can remember when $40 would fill up two family cars. I had my camera with me and should have taken a picture of the gas station price sign. At least I won't have to get gas again for several weeks now.
That's it...told you it was brief.

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