Tuesday, March 4, 2008

'GENEALOGIST'S PRAYER: "God grant me the serenity to accept the ancestors I cannot find, the courage to find the ones I can, and the wisdom to document thoroughly." '
I found the above on this website... http://www.rollintl.com/roll/fun.htm . Take a peek. You might like some of the genealogical trivia you find there.
Check this website if you want a chuckle or two to start your genealogy hunt for the day. http://www.ancestry.com/learn/library/article.aspx?
article=4118&cj=1&o_xid=0001029688&o_lid=0001029688 If this doesn't work, make sure you have all this long URL in the window. It might be too long for this space to show as a full link.
Or this one to find out what the top ten ways to tell if you are a genealogist: http://www.abaysview.com/RUGenie/Genealogist.htm
OH NO!! Are you a geneaholic??? Find out here-- http://members.tripod.com/~bayoujac/dg.html
Go here to find out the symptoms of the dreaded Genealogy Pox. http://www.pennyparker2.com/pox.html "The unusual nature of this disease is the sicker the patient gets, the more he or she enjoys it."

Some general quips about genealogy can be found here: http://www.joke-archives.com/oneliners/geneologyquips.html
Okay, we have all heard about Murphy's Law, right? Check out Murphy's Genealogy Laws here: http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~gaseeger/funny5.html
Can hunting for your ancestor's headstones lead to arrest? Find out here: http://www.jaydax.co.uk/genlinks/stories.html
Find out how to tell if you are addicted to genealogy--go here-- http://www.pennyparker2.com/addicted.html
Are we related? Find out here: http://members.aol.com/rprost/relatives.html
Tired of those error messages when a website won't load? Check this out for a different twist... http://www.rootdig.com/error.htm be sure to read it all.
" The Inevitable Laws of Genealogy" http://members.tripod.com/~Data_Mate/Genlaws.txt
For more humorous websites about Genealogy, please check out this link.
http://www.cyndislist.com/humor.htm Great when you need to give yourself a break from the hunt but still can't tear yourself away from genealogy altogether.


Dee said...

Love the variety you have on here. Get the impression you're interested in geneology. I have a few people I'm going to point to this post and the links you have. I'm sure a few will love them.

Dee said...

I was reading your profile and got the same impression. You mentioned snow in one of your posts. I understand about snow days. I was born and grew up in Chicago, Ill. I moved when I was 45 in 2003.

capirani said...

LOL I am confused...and new to this stuff...when a comment conversation gets started...where do we reply? This question is going on both of our blogs....I am getting lost. LOL